Small World
This blog post isn’t about the 2009 hit game Small World, it’s about how we care for each other.
In a former life, I (Alice, your friendly neighborhood Board Game Librarian) worked at UC and had some close working relationships with folks in the theatre department. The other day, who should walk into Free Parking but the former scene shop foreman and his wife who, 12 years ago, arranged a surprise baby shower for my second child.
Tonight, as I write this newsletter, there’s a book group in the bar, two of whom it turns out are the sisters of someone at my church all the way in Anderson.
These are just some of my “small world” moments—y’all have them every day here! The staff sees friends and neighbors recognize each other and exclaim and hug and catch up. We see you get introduced to people’s families and sometimes those become “small world” connections, too. It’s because we’re all connected, actually. In one way or another, we are each other’s neighbors already. Neighbors don’t always like each other, but they are friendly, they notice when someone is missing, they shovel each other’s drives, they look out for each other’s children. The world is smaller than we think, and we have the opportunity to care for each other.
Alice C, Board Game Librarian
Play The Lord of the Rings: Journey to Mordor
Journey to Mordor is a simple roll-and-write game for 2-4 players. We talked about the roll-and-write mechanic in a previous post—players roll dice, often multiple times in a row like Yahtzee, and then write the results on their own papers, attempting to create a more complex and higher-scoring result than their neighbors.
This particular game is a lovely introduction to the roll-and-write games world—it’s simple to learn and play, the only things in the box are the multicolored dice and players’ scoresheet and markers. If you enjoy playing it, we have several more games in a similar vein of increasing complexity, including one with neon chalk markers and black, space-themed boards! (Twilight Inscription, in case you’re curious.)
Alice C, board game librarian
(Apologies for not attributing last week’s game spotlight to our stellar librarian Therasa L.!)
Try our Southwest Omelet
Three eggs folded with pico de gallo and cheese, and topped with our house-made chipotle mayo. The mayo is wonderfully spicy and the omelet itself fluffy and filling. You can add bacon, sausage, or brisket (or all three, I suppose, we won’t judge!) for a couple dollars more.
Come in for brunch Saturday or Sunday and have a tasty omelet while you play the Lord of the Rings dice game!
Community Tabletop Nights
Want to play a 4 or 6 player game but it’s just you and your partner?
Want to meet new folks who also love games?
Want to demo games by local designers?
Every Wednesday at 6:30pm, we hold space for y’all to come and meet new gaming friends! Bring a friend or two or come on your own—we’ll seat you with other lovely gamers to play games and make the world a little smaller.
This past Wednesday, our group got to demo Justin’s Mines of Dazzak’oda (it’s fun! and in the library now!) and Jack brought his copy of That’s Not a Hat which was hilarious.
See what fun events are coming up on our calendar here.
Give us feedback on your experience or a board game or event suggestion here.
Need a way to decide on a first player? Check out this fun randomizer site.
And of course check out our website here, our library listings here, and our social media here!